What is CourseManage?

CourseManage is a platform that enables businesses and individuals to create technical courses customized to their specific requirements. It streamlines the process of building and managing training programs, making it straightforward for users at any experience level. The platform allows for quick development and seamless delivery of custom training materials to end users. It also provides tools to monetize courses and manage all team courses efficiently from an easy-to-use dashboard.


Courses built using CourseManage provide user-friendly learning capabilities to modernize your training and learning operations. What's more, these courses have a responsive design and can run seamlessly in a browser and on mobile devices (phone and tablet). CourseManage gives your team the freedom to build your content the way you want by enabling users to create feature-rich course object types without writing code.

CourseManage also provides an extensible platform that lets professional developers programmatically interact with data and metadata, apply business logic, create custom intgrations, and integrate with external data.

For more information:

CourseManage for makers/creators

Using CourseManage, you can create three types of courses: Free, Donate, and Paid. You can do this for existing courses as well as create new courses directly on the platform.

To create a course, log in to your Dashboard with a supported ID with admin access.

  • New Course is used for defining your course metadata and for building new courses after you save your course template. You can use objects like heading, text, list, code, table, internal links or external video sources to build your course. More information: New Course

  • The course objectives you use here will be used by the AI to create your course structure, if you so desire.

  • CourseManage uses this terminology. Course -> Units -> Topics -> Content, i.e. you can create a course, add units to it, add topics to the units, and add content to the topics. The AI can help you generate all content inside the course.

Ready to convert your ideas into a course? Start here: New course

CourseManage for app users

You can view courses you created or those shared with you by others on a browser or mobile device (phone or tablet). More information:

CourseManage for admins

CourseManage administrators can use the Dashboard to create and manage courses, view analytics, feedback and more.

CourseManage for developers

Developers are app makers who can write code to extend apps and create customizations. Developers can write code to create data and metadata, apply server-side and client-side logic using JavaScript, integrate with external data and embed data into your website experiences to create integrated solutions. A key use case is to bring course metadata and content you've previously created for other platforms into our platform.

REST API calls

Click your user icon on the top-right and select Settings. Click Developer. Generate your token to access our site.

Use your token and make the following calls. The examples below use the RESTClient extension on Visual Studio Code.


GET list of courses

GET {{baseApiUrl}}/courses?limit=3&page=1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

Create Course REST API Request

POST {{baseApiUrl}}/courses
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

    "title": "Test Title 1",
    "description": "Learn to efficiently ...",
    "code": "XYZ111",
    "ownerEmail": "xyz@gmail.com",
    "authorEmail": "xyz@gmail.com",
    "topics": ["xyz", "abc", "test", "IT"],
    "targetAudience": [
      "Technical Specialists"
    "product": "ProductName",
    "ownerBrandDepartment": "BrandName",
    "agenda": "Day 1: Unit 0: Course Administration and Introduction: (15 minutes)\n\nUnit 1: Introduction to DevOps (45 minutes)\n\nUnit 2: Ansible Overview and Administration (1 hour)\n\nUnit 3: Ansible Configuration (1 hour)\n\nExercise 1. Verification of Prerequisites (1 hour)\n\nExercise 2. Ansible Setup and Configuration (1 hour)\n\nExercise 3. IBM PowerVC Integration with Ansible (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 4. Ansible Roles (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 5. Ansible on IBM AIX (30 minutes)\n\nDay 2:\n\nUnit 4: IBM Power Collections (1 hour)\n\nUnit 5: Architecting Ansible Solutions (1 hour)\n\nExercise 6. IBM Power AIX Collection (1.5 hours)\n\nExercise 7. IBM Power VIOS Collection (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 8. IBM Power HMC Collection (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 9. IBM Power OpenStack Collection (45 minutes)\n\nExercise 10. Deploy Modern Web Applications on IBM Power from GitHub (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 11. Testing and Debugging Ansible Playbooks with Linting Tools (45 minutes)",
    "objective": "Day 1:\n\nUnit 0: Course Administration and Introduction: (15 minutes)\n\nUnit 1: Introduction to DevOps (45 minutes)\n\nUnit 2: Ansible Overview and Administration (1 hour)\n\nUnit 3: Ansible Configuration (1 hour)\n\nExercise 1. Verification of Prerequisites (1 hour)\n\nExercise 2. Ansible Setup and Configuration (1 hour)\n\nExercise 3. IBM PowerVC Integration with Ansible (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 4. Ansible Roles (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 5. Ansible on IBM AIX (30 minutes)\n\nDay 2:\n\nUnit 4: IBM Power Collections (1 hour)\n\nUnit 5: Architecting Ansible Solutions (1 hour)\n\nExercise 6. IBM Power AIX Collection (1.5 hours)\n\nExercise 7. IBM Power VIOS Collection (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 8. IBM Power HMC Collection (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 9. IBM Power OpenStack Collection (45 minutes)\n\nExercise 10. Deploy Modern Web Applications on IBM Power from GitHub (30 minutes)\n\nExercise 11. Testing and Debugging Ansible Playbooks with Linting Tools (45 minutes)",
    "summary": "Learn to efficiently ...",
    "modality": "Classroom or Instructor-led online|Self-paced|Free web-based course",
    "status": "Available to all",
    "instructorSkillLevel": "intermediate",
    "studentSkillLevel": "basic",
    "internalNotes": "Date - v1",
    "cost": "paid",
    "amount": 99,
    "publishDate": 1701993600000,
    "retireDate": 1761974400000,
    "duration": 16,
    "autoAdvertisingFlag": true,
    "subscriptionFlag": true,
    "labFlag": true,
    "type": "external",
    "published": true

REST API Request for updating course metadata

PATCH {{baseApiUrl}}/courses/<course-id>
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/json

  "title": "Sample Title",
  "description": "Sample description",
  "code": "XXXXXX",
  "ownerEmail": "your-email-id",
  "authorEmail": "your-email-id",
  "topics": ["sample","test"],
  "targetAudience": ["sample"],
  "product": "sample",
  "ownerBrandDepartment": "sample",
  "agenda": "This is a test agenda",
  "objectives": "This is a test objective",
  "summary": "This is a test summary."

Delete REST API request


Course view counter and completion stats


Import course metadata in bulk

You can import multiple courses at once using our JSON template below. Switch your role to 'instructor' and click the Import button. Upload your JSON file in the following format.

    "title": "CourseManage course title",
    "description": "Sample description",
    "code": "XXXXXX",
    "ownerEmail": "xxxx@yyyy.com",
    "authorEmail": "xxxx@yyyy.com",
    "modality": "Classroom or Instructor-led online' | 'Self-paced' | 'Free web-based course",
    "cost": "donate|paid|free",
    "amount": 100,
    "status": "In development|Available internally|Available to all",
    "publishDate": "Sat Apr xx yyyy 23:23:45 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "retireDate": "Mon Apr xx yyyy 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "duration": 2,
    "summary": "Sample summary",
    "objective": "Sample objective",
    "agenda": "Sample agenda",
    "ownerBrandDepartment": "Brand department",
    "product": "Product name",
    "autoAdvertisingFlag": false|true,
    "subscriptionFlag": false|true,
    "instructorSkillLevel": "basic|intermediate|advanced",
    "studentSkillLevel": "basic|intermediate|advanced",
    "topics": ["Topic1", "Topic2"],
    "followOn": ["course1", "course2"],
    "targetAudience": ["Audience1", "Audience2"],
    "labFlag": false|true,
    "internalNote": "An internal note for course publishers",
    "published": false|true,
    "type": "internal|external"
    "title": "CourseManage course title 2",
    "description": "Sample description",
    "code": "XXXXXX",
    "ownerEmail": "xxxx@yyyy.com",
    "authorEmail": "xxxx@yyyy.com",
    "modality": "Classroom or Instructor-led online|Self-paced|Free web-based course",
    "cost": "paid",
    "amount": 100,
    "status": "In development|Available internally|Available to all",
    "publishDate": "Sat Apr xx yyyy 23:23:45 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "retireDate": "Mon Apr xx yyyy 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "duration": 2,
    "summary": "Sample summary",
    "objective": "Sample objective",
    "agenda": "Sample agenda",
    "ownerBrandDepartment": "Brand department",
    "product": "Product name",
    "autoAdvertisingFlag": false|true,
    "subscriptionFlag": false|true,
    "instructorSkillLevel": "basic|intermediate|advanced",
    "studentSkillLevel": "basic|intermediate|advanced",
    "topics": ["Topic1", "Topic2"],
    "followOn": ["course1", "course2"],
    "targetAudience": ["Audience1", "Audience2"],
    "labFlag": false|true,
    "internalNote": "An internal note for course publishers",
    "published": false|true,
    "type": "internal|external"
    "title": "CourseManage course title 3",
    "description": "Sample description",
    "code": "XXXXXX",
    "ownerEmail": "xxxx@yyyy.com",
    "authorEmail": "xxxx@yyyy.com",
    "modality": "Instructor-led online",
    "cost": "paid",
    "amount": 100,
    "status": "In development",
    "publishDate": "Sat Apr xx yyyy 23:23:45 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "retireDate": "Mon Apr xx yyyy 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "duration": 2,
    "summary": "Sample summary",
    "objective": "Sample objective",
    "agenda": "Sample agenda",
    "ownerBrandDepartment": "Brand department",
    "product": "Product name",
    "autoAdvertisingFlag": false|true,
    "subscriptionFlag": false|true,
    "instructorSkillLevel": "basic|intermediate|advanced",
    "studentSkillLevel": "basic|intermediate|advanced",
    "topics": ["Topic1", "Topic2"],
    "followOn": ["course1", "course2"],
    "targetAudience": ["Audience1", "Audience2"],
    "labFlag": false|true,
    "internalNote": "An internal note for course publishers",
    "published": false|true,
    "type": "internal|external"

Try CourseManage for free

You can work on CourseManage for free. Simply sign in to CourseManage. We hope our intuitive user interface will help you with everything you need.

Purchase CourseManage

If you've decided to purchase higher tiers, see here for detailed information: CourseManage Pricing.